In situ mode
In this modality, participants will have access to a fully in-person program, at the location designated for the event.
The components of the program in this modality are listed below:
a) Official Session and Opening Conference
To begin the work of the Congress, on the morning of the first day, the ‘Official opening session’ takes place, with the presence of the highest regional entities in the area of education. In this session, the ‘Artistic Education Award 2024’ are awarded, in the ‘Institution’ and ‘Teacher’ categories. Next, the ‘Opening Conference’ takes place, held by a personality with recognized scientific competence in the areas of education, arts and culture.
b) Plenary Sessions, Free Communications and Topics for Debate
It is in the ‘Plenary Sessions’, the ‘Free Communications Sessions’ and the ‘Themes for Debate’ that the major themes chosen for each edition will be addressed globally. We know that only an effective, deontological and intelligent action by the teacher, educator and any other educational professional can make art and artistic education an essential ingredient to promote the individual, social, cultural and professional growth of the individual and to provide him with a quality education. Thus, the aim is to create a space here for sharing knowledge, practices and strategies between stakeholders in the same area and, above all, bringing together voices and efforts to improve the regional school reality and meet the needs of students, teachers and of schools.
The guests of the ‘Plenary Sessions’ and ‘Themes for Debate’ are chosen by the congress’s scientific committee, elected annually by the Conservatory. The ‘Free Communications Sessions’, as the name suggests, are structured following the communications proposals received and organized by themes or artistic areas, depending on the offer received.
c) Workshops
The workshops allow participants to enjoy experimental moments in various artistic areas (visual arts, dance, music, theater and multimedia) and other topics of general interest.
Upon prior registration by conference participants, which usually takes place in mid-August, these workshops are organized in various spaces, according to their specificities and needs, and facilitated by teachers specialized in these areas.
c) Social and artistic program
In addition to the sessions, a social program will be developed consisting of several types of actions:
1) Concerts and/or other artistic performances;
2) Fair and presentation of editions;
3) Tours and/or other moments of artistic conviviality, to be designated.
100% in person
All sessions will be attended at the designated location for the event.
25 hours of training
As long as the respective presence is registered, this modality offers 25 hours of training in the field of artistic education.
All participants receive a certificate of participation.
Complete program
The in-person program will be presented in its entirety, including materials, the Editions Fair and other social and more practical activities.
The cost of registering in this modality varies between €20 and €50.
Each participant will receive, upon arrival, an event bag, with some materials and publicity associated with partnerships and support.